Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

cant help

something bad just happened, not for me directly but its effect drives me crazy. and he disappeared. i cant find him in every way i used to find him. okay, i know i'm over reacting but it does make me crazy, it is soo uneasy, you cant really feel your hand right in your hand. i relieved that my friend, Ratri asked me to accompanied her in her house because her family were went to Jakarta, and there was Enji too. I cant imagine if yesterday i was all alone in my room, cant get any concentration or something. cause my head is all about him, and bunch of stupid question about my desire to know his condition. even now, i wondering is he alrite.

i dont know my self.. i hope he is alright anyway. with something or even someone, i dont care. the thing is, he is alright. i hope he is alright..

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