Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

u can hear the voice

renungan. prokastinasi. oktober. 2012 

tik tok tik tok...

waktu terus berjalan dan kita ga bisa menghindar dari kenyataan itu. sementara waktu berjalan, umur makin bertambah, dan kenyataan bahwa kita semakin dewasa semakin dekat. at least to be what we supposed to be. grown up. dengan semua sisi kedewasaan yang dituntut oleh lingkungan sekitar, dengan to-do-list tanggung jawab yang mulai muncul, dan dengan well, let's say, beban yang makin bertambah.

di kampus, u gotta face the final exam, whatever it's gonna be, thesis, final assignment, final project, apalah terserah. sooner or later you're just gonna meet them. greet them, nicely.
di rumah, dewasa, contoh buat yang lain, tanggung jawab, advise, more complicated discussion, more complex, or having more responsibilities in it...
social life, you just..gotta get yourself to adjust your surrounding. the way you dress up, the way you speak, the way you behave, the way you think, the way you treat people, the way you show yourself to the others...

and sooner or later,

the work-life.... sigh... it doesn't meaning i dont wanna move to the next cha\pter but, it is just... it seems...burdensome...  being adult, being a grown up woman, a grown up eldest sister in your family, is kinda...  it doesnt mean that i dont like it, wanna runaway or something but, just gimme a break... i was just, a little bit afraid. i am....

if couple years ago i was brave enough to say that i'm ready to bear all the responsibilities and can not wait for being adult, really the whole adult life... now, i mean like right now, i wanna grab a time machine and stay at that age a little longer... just for few moment...

but the time is ticking dude... no mercy.

which mean.. i.have.no.other.option.

just walk, and get my self, my whoolle self ready for that phase coming to my life closer... yes. i guess we never have a choice. keke. even the most simple thing such as taking a breath is a choice, the future phase. keke. literally :p besides, taking a breath is not a simple thing, you can not live if you can not taking the oxygen properly can you? :p
so let's make these things clear. we don't have a choice for stepping the previous chapter, the only possible way is walking forward, taking a new chapter, the next chapter in your destiny. no offense, no regret and hesitation. okay, i knew it. it is going to be a lil bit hard, definitely.it is going to take a little time. but come on, that's the only--natural--way to challenge your self become stronger. a new one. a better one.

so hold on. not for them, but for your self.

keep your head high, never loose the faith, and be brave.

a better-new-strong person, is on her/his way...

a better-new-strong person is you... :)

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